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Give the Gift of Brewing

I do a weekly podcast about homebrewing. It's my hobby. I'm not on anyone's payroll, but, because people are looking for gifts this season, we did a show about getting people started in homebrewing that I thought was worth promoting. So I apologize in advance if I sound a little pitchy.
I blog a bit about the brewing industry, but think about the brewing culture way more often. Brewing is one of those endeavors where, once you get hooked, you just wanna brew beer and help people who aren't brewing cultivate the interest. I love talking to homebrewers about what they do and (believe me) they love talking about it.
This week's guest didn't show, so instead, Doug at Xtreme Brewing and I talked about what it took to get someone into beer. Sometimes, taking a class helps. Doug gives free brewing classes occasionally and lots of people go to a couple before making the plunge. But, more often than not, a person will come in, pick up a starter kit, and get to brewing from a kit right off the bat.
Doug (or one of the other brewers) puts the kits together. They haven't quite fool-proofed them, but they've taken away the possibility for a measuring error, leaving the new brewer room to concentrate on the process.
Many avid homebrewers eventually start breweries; Doug started a brewing supply store instead.  There are lots of guys like Doug all over the country, I'm sure;experienced brewers who are happy to help new people get involved.
The idea behind the Beer with Strangers podcast is to document and broadcast this bonding experience. Each week we'll have a guest of varying skill levels to share their latest brew and discuss their foibles and successes. In the process, we'll discuss brewing with Doug and he'll answer brewing questions. If there's time we'll also recount State of the Beer featured brewing news.
If you'd like to submit a brewing question (or arrange to call in with one) reach out to me here. If you would care to subscribe on iTunes, click here (your iTunes window will open, don't be afraid). If you are or know anyone who is interested in taking a brewing basics class (the class is free and lots of fun) have them reserve a space here. Taking a class is the best way to figure out whether homebrewing is for you. Many people take several before trying on their own at home. Click here for the Beer with Strangers show notes.

The show itself is here...


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